الخميس، 15 مارس 2012

A word about networks

A word about networks

School computers are usually networked within the building or within the district. This means that the docu-ments or files created or accessed on one computer can be accessed on others within the network. The computers are connected through a server,and individual users of the network often log on using a network name and password.

When dealing with computer errors through a network system, it is important to note that the network admin-istrator may have limited the amount of authority an individual user may have. Some of the suggestions listed below may not be applicable to your situation because of network security. nonetheless, several of the tips listed below should be useful to you, and you are encouraged to try them to remedy easily-solved problems. Note however, if a problem cannot be resolved, you should contact a computer technician. You can find good online resources for support through many manufacturers who have "frequently asked questions" and knowledge-base articles (e.g., Microsoft.com and apple.com). type in "troubleshooting" in a search engine or the search text-box on the manufacturer website.

First things first

There are several things that you can check to trouble-shoot a computer problem. Try the suggestions listed under each problem below:

1.The computer won't turn on – make sure that everything is plugged in. cables can come loose if the computer is moved or jostled. After checking the cables, if the computer still does not turn on, and you do not hear any noises coming from the system unit (i.e.,the box containing the electronic components of the computer), this usually means that there is a problem with the power supply and it probably needs to be replaced.

2.The mouse pointer will not move or you cannot type- reboot the computer. For pcs: use the ctrl-alt-del keys to reboot a computer if it is completely frozen and not responding. You will need to hold the ctrl and the alt keys at the same time and them tap the del (delete) key. Release all of the keys at the same time. This will force the computer to reboot. For macs: select restart, if possible. Try pushing command-q to start agin. Sometimes command-option-escape will force the computer to quit applications, along with selecting an application in a resulting window and clicking "force quit." You can also try to press the power button and click restart when the dialog window appears. A last method, if nothing else works, is to unplug the power source and plug it in again. Make sure that the computer is booting from the hard drive and not a floppy disk. An error will occur if there is a floppy disk in the disk drive and you are trying to reboot the computer. If rebooting does not solve the problem, consult a computer technician.

3.The software program is stalled (or frozen) or is not responding to your mouse clicks- see if you can use your mouse in other open programs or on the desktop. If you can, then the problem is with the nonresponsive program. Try opening a new window for that program and resume working. If this is not feasible, end the nonresponsive program by pressing the ctrl-alt-del keys(for pcs). The windows task manager should appear. Select the program and click the end task button. Now restart the program and continue working. If proplems keep occurring, restart or reboot the computer. The mac solutions for this problem are the same as when the mouse pointer will not move(see number two above).

4.Can't connect to the internet- check your modem or network cable connections. You will not be able to access the internet if the cables are not completely connected.

5.The computer gives a continuous beep at start up- check to see if something is lying on the mouse or keyboard and pressing down on one or more keys.   

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