
اهلا وسهلا بمن يتابع هذه المدونة المتواضعة امل ان يتم الاستفادة منها باي شكل من الاشكال فكل ما اقدمه هنا من مصادر ومراجع موثوقة مثل كتب والرسائل الجامعية والبحوث وايضا لخدمة العلم والباحثين وخاصة اخواننا المبتعثين . امل ان تحوز على رضاكم واستحسانكم


اهلا وسهلا بمن يتابع هذه المدونة المتواضعة امل ان يتم الاستفادة منها باي شكل من الاشكال فكل ما اقدمه هنا من مصادر ومراجع موثوقة مثل كتب والرسائل الجامعية والبحوث وايضا لخدمة العلم والباحثين وخاصة اخواننا المبتعثين . امل ان تحوز على رضاكم واستحسانكم

السبت، 17 مارس 2012

نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة

نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة
تعتبر نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة نموذجا معرفيا يحاول ان يصف كيف يستخدم الافراد ذكاءاتهم المتعددة لحل مشكلة ما وترتكز هذه النظرية على العمليات التي يتبعها العقل في تناول محتوى الموقف ليصل إلى الحل (كوثر كوجك ,2001 ,353)
يعرف (جاردنر ,2003) الذكاء بانه : قدرة الفرد على حل المشكلات او ابتكار منتجات جديدة ذات قيمة داخل كيان ثقافي , وبعد مرور عامين على هذا التعريف قدم (جاردنر2005 )  تعريفا يقول فيه : قدرة نفسية بيولوجية لتشغيل المعلومات التي يمكن تنشيطها في كيان ثقافي لحل المشكلات او خلق المنتجات التي لها قيمة في الكيان الثقافي .
وتضم سبعة انواع من الذكاءات كما اقترحها جاردنر 1983 وهي : الذكاء اللغوي , الذكاء المنطقي الرياضي,الذكاء المكاني البصري, الذكاء الجسمي الحركي, الذكاء الموسيقي , الذكاء الاجتماعي , الذكاء الشخصي .
الذكاءات المتعددة واستراتيجيات التدريس
قد اسفرت الدراسات والادبيات في نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة عن استراتيجيات تدريسية يمكنها مخاطبة كل ذكاء من الذكاءات الثمانية وهذه الاستراتيجيات تمثل بيئة تعليمية غنية يمكن للمعلم من خلالها اختيار الطرق التدريسية المتنوعة حسبما يقتضيه موضوع المادة وذكاءات التلاميذ .
وهنا جدول للذكاءات المتعددة والاستراتيجيات التدريسية المناسبة لكل منها
الذكاء اللغوي
القصص – العصف الذهني – التسجيل الصوتي – كتابة اليوميات – النشر – المناظرات – القراءة الفردية والجماعية
الذكاء المنطقي الرياضي
حسابات وكميات – التصنيف والوضع في فئات – طرح الاسئلة السقراطية – حل المشكلات – التفكير العلمي – الاستقصاء
الذكاء المكاني
التصور البصري – استخدام الوسائل التعليمية – رسم تخطيطي للفكرة – الرموز المرسومة – المحاكاة
الذكاء الجسمي الحركي
اجابات الجسم – مسرح حجرة الدراسة – مفاهيم حركية – خرائط الجسم - المحاكاة
الذكاء الموسيقي
الغناء الجماعي – تنغيم الكلمات وفق ايقاع معين – تذوق جمال النص – موسيقى المناخ الانفعالي
الذكاء الاجتماعي
مشاركة الاقران – تمثيل الدور – المجموعات التعاونية – المحاكاة – المناقشات بانواعها
الذكاء الشخصي
فترات التامل لمدة دقيقة – التعلم الذاتي – الصلات والروابط الشخصية – جلسات تحديد الاهداف – اجراء البحوث الفردية
الذكاء الطبيعي
خامات من البيئة – قصص حياتية واقعية – التعلم في الطبيعة

ويتضح ان اساليب التدريس القائمة على نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة تعد من الاساليب الفعالة في عملية التعليم والتعلم لانها تجعل المعلمين ينوعون في الانشطة والمواقف التعليمية التي يستخدمونها في الدرس مما يتيح لكل تلميذ داخل حجرة الدراسة ان يستفيد من الانشطة التي تتوافق مع نوع الذكاء المرتفع لديه (deing 2004)

الاهمية التربوية لنظرية الذكاءات المتعددة في التدريس
حدد كل من (محمد عبدالله 2006)(كوثر كوجك2001)(وليم عبيد2001)(جابرجابر2003) اهمية الذكاءات المتعددة فيمايلي :
1.       نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة وسعت مفهوم الذكاء الذي لم يكن يعترف الا بشكل واحد من اشكاله لدى جميع المتعلمين وغيرت نظرة المعلمين عن تلاميذهم واعطتهم الفرصة لمساعدة تلاميذهم في استخدام مزيج من انواع الذكاء ليستفيدوا منها في عملية التعلم .
2.       تساعد النظرية المعلم اثناء تخطيطه دروسه , حيث انه من خلالها يحاول ايجاد اكبر قدر من البدائل التدريسية لكي يثري الموقف التعليمي ويعطي الفرصة لكل تلميذ لكي يتعلم وفقا لنوع الذكاء الذي يظهر قوة فيه .
3.       التدريس باستخدام النظرية يكون فعالا حيث يسمح بفرص التعلم والتقييم الاصيل المبني على حاجات التلاميذ ومواهبهم واهتماماتهم .
4.       تقدم النظرية مفهوما واسعا عميقا للمعرفة حيث انها تتيح لكل فرد ان يصل لمستوى التمكن وتشجعه على التفكير الذي قد يصل إلى الابداع والابتكار والنقد .
5.       تصف النظرية كيف يستخدم الافراد ذكائهم المتعدد لحل مشكلة ما , وتركز هذه النظرية  على العمليات التي يتبعها العقل في تناول محتوى الموقف ليصل إلى الحل .
6.       تساعد المعلم على توسيع  دائرة الاستراتيجية التدريسية ليصل لاكبر عدد من المتعلمين على اختلاف ذكاءاتهم .
7.       تقدم نموذجا للتعلم ليس له قواعد محددة فيما عدا المتطلبات التي تفرضها المكونات المعرفية لكل ذكاء  فالنظرية تقترح حلول يمكن للمعلمين ان يصمموا في ضوئها مناهج جديدة كما تمدنا باطار  يمكن للعاملين من خلاله ان يتناول أي محتوى تعليمي ويقدموه بعدة طرق مختلفة .
وهكذا فان المتامل لهذه النظرية يجدها تضع جميع المحاور للعملية التعليمية محل الاهتمام فهي تعين المعلم على فهم ادواره وتساعد المتعلم على فهم ذاته وتمكنه من تحقيق اكبر قدر من الافادة من العملية التعليمية والمنهج المدرسي يصبح مرنا ومناسبا لمستويات جميع المتعلمين وميولهم وكذلك طرق التدريس المستخدمة من قبل المعلم ستكون متناسبة مع قدرات وذكاءات المتعلمين المختلفة ليتم تحقيق الاهداف التعليمية
المرجع :  بحث د. فاطمة كمال احمد بعنوان (استراتيجيات تدريس قائمة على الذكاءات المتعددة لتنمية التحصيل المعرفي ومهارات التفكير الاستدلالي لدى تلميذات المرحلة الاعدادية في مادة التربية الاسرية ) منشور في مجلة دراسات في المناهج وطرق التدريس في مصر  يناير 2011.

النظرية الاتصالية

النظرية الاتصالية
قدم سيمنز ودوينز نظرية التعلم الاتصالية بما يتوافق مع احتياجات القرن الحادي والعشرين والتي تاخذ في الاعتبار استخدام التكنولوجيا والشبكات الاجتماعية في الجمع بين العناصر ذات الصلة في كثير من نظريات التعلم والهياكل الاجتماعية والتكنولوجيا لبناء نظرية قوية للتعلم في العصر الرقمي . وتوكد النظرية الاتصالية على التعلم الاجتماعي واتاحة الفرصة للمتعلمين للتواصل والتفاعل فيما بينهم اثناء التعلم كما تؤكد النظرية الاتصالية على التعلم الرقمي عبر الشبكات واستخدام ادوات تكنولوجيا الحاسب والانترنت في التعليم
مبادئ تصميم المقررات الرقمية طبقا للنظرية الاتصالية
يشير جورج سيمنز 2009 إلى انم بادي تصميم المقررات الرقمية طبقا للنظرية الاتصالية تتحدد كالتالي :
1.       تحليل خصائص المتعلمين وتحديد اساليب التعلم المفضلة لدى المتعلمين ومهارات الاتصال لديهم وكذا استخدامهم للشبكات وجمع المعلومات واتخاذ القرارات .
2.       تحليل المحتوى وتنظيمه وتوفير ادوات للمتعلمين للوصول إلى المعرفة بانفسهم من خلال البحث في قواعد المعلومات
3.       صياغة الاهداف التعليمية وتؤكد اهداف التعلم على القدرات المعرفية والعملية للمتعلمين واتخاذ القرارات وحل المشكلات
4.       التفاعل في الموقف التعليمي تتوفر تعليمات تحدد نطاق المشاركة المتوقع للطلاب ومستوياته ووضوح التفاعل بين المعلمين والطلاب وبين الطلاب وبعضهم بعضا باستخدام الادوات التكنولوجية المناسبة .
5.       استراتيجية التعليم واستخدام مداخل مختلفة في التعلم وتوظيف المهارات الشخصية للمتعلمين في نشاطات التعلم تتضمن انشطة وتدريبات تعتمد على المشاركة والتفاعل الاجتماعي بين الطلاب والمعلمين باستخدام الشبكات
6.       التقويم ومراعاة التكامل بين الجانب المعرفي والانفعالي للمتعلم عند وضع اساليب التقويم واستخدام اساليب تقويم تعتمد على المشروعات وحل المشكلات وملفات الانجاز والتركيز على اختبار قدرة الطلاب في الوصول إلى المعرفة الصحيحة .
7.       التعزيز ويكون التعزيز فرديا وجماعيا باستخدام اساليب متعددة ومختلفة كالمكافات المادية والمعنوية في اطار اجتماعي .

افكار فريدة من نوعها في النظرية الاتصالية
1.       تعتبر النظرية الاتصالية تطبيق لمبادئ التشبيك
2.       تتناول النظرية الاتصالية مبادئ التعلم في مستويات عديدة
3.       تركز النظرية الاتصالية على ادراج التكنولوجيا كجزء من ادوات التشارك بين الادراك والمعرفة
4.       تعترف النظرية الاتصالية بالادوات المحفزة على النشاط
5.       تعترف النظرية الاتصالية بالسياق
6.       الفهم القائم على ادراك المعاني

المرجع كتاب تربويات تكنولوجيا القرن الحادي والعشرين للدكتور : ابراهيم عبدالوكيل الفار 2012 

The speakers

The speakers
1.No sound from the speakers- if you can't hear any sounds coming from the computer speakers, there are a few possible solutions:
Make sure that the power plug for the speakers is plugged into a working electrical outlet.
You will uaually find three ports located on the sound card at the back of the computer. Make sure that the speakers are plugged into the proper port.
Try the speakers on another computer . if they work, then the sound card inside the computer is either loose or needs to be replaced.
2.When using a mac- also try to select system preferences under the apple menu. Check to make sure that the mute box is not selected, that the correct output device is selected, and that the volume is turned up.

Prevent common computer problems
File management- it is very important to keep track of where you save files. It is not uncommon to create a file in September and then want to access it later in the school year, only to discover that it cannot be found. Or, you might receive an email that has an attachment. You save the file to the hard drive. A few days later, you try to access the file but are unable to locate it. A simple way to prevent these problems from occurring is to create folders that will store specific types of files. Teachers will often create  a folder to hold just math files, a different folder to hold science files, and another folder to hold specific email attachments. To organize your files, you can create folders on the computer's desktop or inside other folders.

The printer

The printer
1.Printer won't turn on- if the power light on the printer won't turn on, there are a few possible solutions:
Make sure that the power cord is plugged into an electrical outlet that is working properly.
Make sure that if the printer is plugged into a power strip that the power strip is turned on.
Make sure that no error lights are flashing on the printer. If an error light is flashing, the printer will not work.
2.Printer is beeping- if the printer is beeping, check to see if it is either out of paper or out of ink. If the paper and ink supplies are okay, then there is probably something wrong with the printer and it may need servicing.
3.Printer won't print- if a printer won't print, there are a few possible solutions:
Make sure that the printer has enough paper, ink, and toner.
Make sure that the printer cable is properly attached to the computer.
Run a "test print." Most printers have a built-in diagnostic program that will allow the printer to print a test page without communicating with a computer. The instructions for running a test print can be found in the printer owner's manual.
Make sure that there is no paper jamming the internal gears of the printer.
Make sure that the printer head of the inkjet printer is clean. Most inkjet printers have a utility that will clean the print head.
Make sure that the proper printer driver is installed on your computer. It is important that the printer driver that is installed is the correct driver for the printer that is connected to the computer. Unless you are familiar with printer drivers, consult your computer technician to install them.
If multiple printers are connected to the computer, make sure that you are printing to the correct printer. If you know how, check to see which printer is your computer's default printer.
When using a mac also try the following:
Select print monitor. Make sure that the document has completely spooled to the printer.
Check in the print monitor to ensure that "stop printing" or "stop jobs" has not been selected. If it has, select "start printing" or "start jobs."
4.When printing from a networked computer- when a computer is networked, the administrator may have limited the control you have over what and where you can print. If you have exhausted the above suggestions, you may also want to try the following:
Check to make sure that the printer you are trying to print to is installed on the network . if it is, try reselecting and/or reinstalling it on your computer.
Select and print to a different printer. If you are able to print elsewhere, the printer is experiencing difficulty, not your computer.
Log onto a different computer on the network and try printing from it. If you are able to print now, this indicates a problem with how your computer is communicating with the printer.
5.Paper won't stop coming out of the printer – you can put an immediate stop to the paper by turning off the printer. However, you should also cancel the print jop that is causing the problem. For pcs, open the printer and faxes panel (found in the start menu) and double click the printer you are using. Select and delete the print job that is causing the problem. For macs, choose "show jobs" from the printer menu and select "stop job" to delete the job.

الخميس، 15 مارس 2012

The desktop

The desktop

1.Working with computer's desktop- the computer background and icon on the computer screen are known as the computer's desktop. Occasionally, you can alter the desktop without realizing it . if you do not like the look of the desktop, change it. For pcs, the easiest way is to right-click anywhere on the desktop (but not on an icon) to bring up the desktop's shortcut menu. To change the position of  icon, choose "arrange icons" and select an option. To change the appearance of the desktop, select "properties" and make the desired selections. For macs, go to the apple menu, then select "system preferences" to change desktop features.

2.Adding desktop icons- desktop icons often need to be added, deleted, or organized on the  computer's  desktop. To modify desktop icons on a pc, right-click anywhere on the desktop. To add an icon, choose the "new" option and then click the "shortcut" option. To complete the process, follow the computer's instructions. To delete an icon, right-click on the icon and select "delete." When using a mac, the process is slightly different. The desktop icon is called an alias. To create an alias, move the mouse  pointer to the original program or application icon. Simultaneously hold down the"option" and "apple" keys and then drag the original icon to the desktop.

3.The pc taskbar- the pc taskbar is usually located at the bottom of the computer screen. It displays the start menu and quick launch bar. The various icons and buttons are used to access and execute programs. The taskbar can be hidden or moved to another location on the screen .

To hide the taskbar, move the mouse pointer to the top edge of the taskbar until a double-headed arrow appears. Press the left button on the mouse and drag the taskbar down to the very bottom of the screen. To make the taskbar reappear, move the mouse pointer to the bottom of the computer screen.  When the double-headed arrow appears, hold the left mouse button and drag the task bar up toward the middle of the computer screen. It is also possible to move the taskbar to either side of the screen or to the top of the computer screen. To relocate the taskbar, move the mouse pointer onto an open area of the taskbar. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the taskbar to the preferred location. Use the same process to move the taskbar back to the bottom of the computer screen.

4.The mac taskbar- the mac taskbar is known as the dock. It contains a variety of applications that can be accessed quickly and easily. To customize or relocate the dock, go to the apple menu and choose the dock option. You will see a menu of options to choose from. When the dock is hidden, it is located at the bottom of the computer screen. When you move the mouse pointer to the bottom of the screen, it appears for immediate access, without remaining on the desktop as you work.

The mouse

The mouse

1.Clean the mouse-if the mouse is not working properly, the problem could be the accumulation of dirt and dust from everyday use. The ball on the mechanical mouse can be removed for cleaning.(note: optical mice do not contain small rubber balls.) the process consists of sliding or turning the disc that holds the mouse ball inside the mouse. The mouse ball will drop out when the mouse is turned right side up. There are three rollers inside the mouse ball cavity. It is important to remove all lint off of the rollers. That will allow the mouse pointer to move more freely.

2.Mouse pointer movement- if the computer mouse is not responding correctly, make sure that it is on a flat surface and that the mouse rollers are clean. Another suggestion is to make sure that the mouse is plugged correctly into the mouse port on the back of the computer.

The keyboard

1.Constant beeping or clicking- not every beep signifies a problem,but if the computer is constantly beeping as it starts up, there may be a stuck key on the keyboard.

2.Number pad on the keyboard-if nothing happens when you press the number keys on the number pad (usually located on the right side of the keyboard), press the num lock key. If a small light (usually green) is lit, the num lock key is activated and the number keys on the number pad will work.

3.Sticky keys on the keyboard- when food or beverages are spilled on the keyboard, it can cause keys to stick. You can use compressed air made for cleaning keyboards. Office supply stores sell this "canned air," which contains a small straw for spraying into keyboard crevices.

Troubleshooting output devices

The monitor

1.            Computer is on but the screen is blank-assuming that you have checked the screen controls (i.e.,the brightness and contrast controls) and made sure that the monitor cable is properly connected to the system unit, the problem could be the video card or the monitor. If you have another monitor, substitute the faulty one with one that is known to be working. If the new one works, it means your original monitor is dead. If the new monitor does not work, then it means the video card in the system unit is probably faulty and needs to be replaced.

2.            The screen is completely black-if the computer screen is completely black, there are a couple possible solutions:

Check that the monitor cable is connected to the correct port on the back of the system unit and that the power cord is plugged into an electrical outlet.

Check the brightaness setting of the computer. If it is on zero or on a low brightness setting, change the setting to a brighter setting.

3.            Monitor image is resized- if the image on the computer monitor does not fill most of the screen, then the vertical or horizontal controls probably need to be adjusted. Use the controls on the monitor to do this . start by finding the menu button. One of the options in the menu should be horizontal placement and anthor should be vertical placement (usually by pressing the menu button repeatedly, you can access the different options). Adjust the setting, as necessary adjustments and the output does not change, then the monitor needs to be repaired or replaced.

Onscreen messages

Onscreen messages

 As stated above,the computer will often display a mes-sage indicating what is wrong. Here is how interpret these messages:

1.Missing operating system- somehow the computer's operating system has become corrupted. This could have happened because of a virus, a hard drive malfunction, or a computer user error. You will need to contact a computer technician. When using macs, this type of error is indicated in any message containing"os."

2.Disk boot failure- this error usually signifies that the hard drive has either become disconnected from the motherboard or is damaged you will need to contact a computer technician when using macs,this type of error is apparent when the start up screen continually freezes or if a file folder with a blinking question mark appears.

3.Keyboard error or locked- your keyboard is not plugged in properly. Turn off the computer, remove the keyboard from your computer, and connect the keyboard properly  to your computer. Check to make sure that it is in the proper port on the back of the system unit. When using macs,no error message will appear,the keyboard simply will not work.

4.Nonsystem disk or disk error- you have accidentally left a floppy disk in drive a. remove the disk from the drive and press any key on the keyboard. The  computer  will continue with the booting process .when using macs, you may get a similar message if a peripheral device is connected incorrectly. detach any new peripherals and restart.

Troubleshooting input devices

Input devices are devices that are connected to the computer and send data into the computer. Examples of input devices include keyboards and mice. Even though computer users rarely have problems with input devices, it is important to know how to troubleshoot them when they do happen, because you cannot operate a computer without certain key input devices such as a mouse and keyboard. Before you begin changing settings or installing and uninstalling drivers, there are some initial things that you can do:

1.Loose connections-check to see if the input device is connected properly and securely. A loose connection and a bump of the computer can cause the cable to disconnect and cause the device to stop working.
Computer  viruses –check for viruses on the computer. You will need to run a virus scan using antivirus software.

A word about networks

A word about networks

School computers are usually networked within the building or within the district. This means that the docu-ments or files created or accessed on one computer can be accessed on others within the network. The computers are connected through a server,and individual users of the network often log on using a network name and password.

When dealing with computer errors through a network system, it is important to note that the network admin-istrator may have limited the amount of authority an individual user may have. Some of the suggestions listed below may not be applicable to your situation because of network security. nonetheless, several of the tips listed below should be useful to you, and you are encouraged to try them to remedy easily-solved problems. Note however, if a problem cannot be resolved, you should contact a computer technician. You can find good online resources for support through many manufacturers who have "frequently asked questions" and knowledge-base articles (e.g., Microsoft.com and apple.com). type in "troubleshooting" in a search engine or the search text-box on the manufacturer website.

First things first

There are several things that you can check to trouble-shoot a computer problem. Try the suggestions listed under each problem below:

1.The computer won't turn on – make sure that everything is plugged in. cables can come loose if the computer is moved or jostled. After checking the cables, if the computer still does not turn on, and you do not hear any noises coming from the system unit (i.e.,the box containing the electronic components of the computer), this usually means that there is a problem with the power supply and it probably needs to be replaced.

2.The mouse pointer will not move or you cannot type- reboot the computer. For pcs: use the ctrl-alt-del keys to reboot a computer if it is completely frozen and not responding. You will need to hold the ctrl and the alt keys at the same time and them tap the del (delete) key. Release all of the keys at the same time. This will force the computer to reboot. For macs: select restart, if possible. Try pushing command-q to start agin. Sometimes command-option-escape will force the computer to quit applications, along with selecting an application in a resulting window and clicking "force quit." You can also try to press the power button and click restart when the dialog window appears. A last method, if nothing else works, is to unplug the power source and plug it in again. Make sure that the computer is booting from the hard drive and not a floppy disk. An error will occur if there is a floppy disk in the disk drive and you are trying to reboot the computer. If rebooting does not solve the problem, consult a computer technician.

3.The software program is stalled (or frozen) or is not responding to your mouse clicks- see if you can use your mouse in other open programs or on the desktop. If you can, then the problem is with the nonresponsive program. Try opening a new window for that program and resume working. If this is not feasible, end the nonresponsive program by pressing the ctrl-alt-del keys(for pcs). The windows task manager should appear. Select the program and click the end task button. Now restart the program and continue working. If proplems keep occurring, restart or reboot the computer. The mac solutions for this problem are the same as when the mouse pointer will not move(see number two above).

4.Can't connect to the internet- check your modem or network cable connections. You will not be able to access the internet if the cables are not completely connected.

5.The computer gives a continuous beep at start up- check to see if something is lying on the mouse or keyboard and pressing down on one or more keys.   

Computer errors

Computer errors

A website devoted to writing at Colorado state university notes that computers are limited because they are pro-grammed to work as they are told and that most computer  problems are not actually the computer's fault. The websit urges teachers in computer classrooms to learn about the capabilities of computers. Teachers  need to practice using them,be patient, and use them as tools (csu dept. of English,2006). Sometimes, a computer will alert you to a problem by displaying a message that indicates what is wrong. Often , you will be able to inter-pret the message and fix the problem. At other times, the language in the message will be too difficult to under-stand. Consult a fellow teacher or a computer technician when the computer error message is unfamiliar or too technical to interpret. The Microsoft website promapts that  you may have to do some of your own "sleuthing,"because each computer has a unique combination of hardware and software(Microsoft,2004). Regardless of whether or not your computer displays a message, there are plenty of basic computer problems that any computer user can solve,and this section will describe some of these basic troubleshooting techniques. The macintosh apple website reminds us that, just like cars and toast-ers, computers need preventative maintenance to per-from their beat. Sometimes they can stop performing for no apparent reason, but there are often simple ways to take care of seemingly alarming issues (apple,2006).

الثلاثاء، 13 مارس 2012

Computer troubleshooting

Computer troubleshooting

Troubleshooting computer problems can be very frus- trating. Consider that you are dealing with a machine that has multiple components simultaneously interact-ing with one another. It is often very difficult to pinpoint exactly which component of a particular device is creat-ing the problem most teachers are not computer tachni-cians however, because of the influx of technology into education, it has become imperative that teachers learn some simple techniques to troubleshoot basic computer problems reading this chapter will help you fulfill the first section of nets for teachers under the category of technology operations and concepts , teachers should be able to demonstrate introductory knowledge , skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology..(and)

Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging tech-nologies" (iste,2002,p.306) if you can solve various simple computer problems as they arise, you come closer to meeting these standards. Also the people working in the district technology department tend to be very busy. If teachers can solve their own problems,student technology projects and technology-based learning can proceed much faster. Before you begin reading chapter seven, check your knowledge to see how much you already know about computer repair