Computer errors
A website devoted to writing at Colorado state university notes that computers are limited because they are pro-grammed to work as they are told and that most computer problems are not actually the computer's fault. The websit urges teachers in computer classrooms to learn about the capabilities of computers. Teachers need to practice using them,be patient, and use them as tools (csu dept. of English,2006). Sometimes, a computer will alert you to a problem by displaying a message that indicates what is wrong. Often , you will be able to inter-pret the message and fix the problem. At other times, the language in the message will be too difficult to under-stand. Consult a fellow teacher or a computer technician when the computer error message is unfamiliar or too technical to interpret. The Microsoft website promapts that you may have to do some of your own "sleuthing,"because each computer has a unique combination of hardware and software(Microsoft,2004). Regardless of whether or not your computer displays a message, there are plenty of basic computer problems that any computer user can solve,and this section will describe some of these basic troubleshooting techniques. The macintosh apple website reminds us that, just like cars and toast-ers, computers need preventative maintenance to per-from their beat. Sometimes they can stop performing for no apparent reason, but there are often simple ways to take care of seemingly alarming issues (apple,2006).
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